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How to Advance Your Safety Career.

  • Publish Date: Posted 9 months ago

A common challenge in any profession is how to move up the ladder, gain more responsibility and make more of an impact. For many individuals, it’s not just about the pay rise. Personal growth and professional development are also important factors in career progression.

But how can you develop the right skills, make the right connections, and seize the right opportunities to ascend the ranks? During this article Shirley Parsons gives expert advice on the best ways to advance your EHS career.

Education and Certifications.

Obtaining a relevant degree in occupational health and safety, environmental science, industrial hygiene, or a related field from a recognized U.S. institution is a great way to start advancing your environment, health, and safety career.

It’s also helpful to start pursuing certifications that are recognized in the US, such as Certified Safety Professional (CSP), Certified Industrial Hygienist (CIH) and Associate Safety Professional (ASP).

Networking & Communication.

Effective networking is a great way to help advance your safety career. Attending safety conferences, workshops and seminars helps connect with professionals in the field and learn about local regulations and practices.

Joining safety organizations like the American Society of Safety Professionals (ASSP) is also a good way to find out what networking events are taking place and resources available to you. Also, familiarize yourself with federal and state safety regulations including those enforced by OSHA, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration and, stay up to date with U.S safety laws and regulations.

Resume and Interview Preparation.

It’s essential that you craft your resume to highlight any education, certifications and experience you have gained and, tailor and make it relevant to the exact position you are applying for.

When it comes to interview preparation, research the organization and position you are applying for, including the company cultures and values. Developing strong communication skills is a great advantage to help with business communication norms and practices.

Plan your Professional Development.

It’s important to identify the skills and knowledge you need to take the next in your safety career and find the best ways to develop them. Be open to relocation and willing to learn and adapt to new technologies, practices, and regulations.

“Remember that networking, continuous learning, and a proactive attitude are key to advancing your EHS career. As you build your experience, credentials, and connections, you'll increase your chances of achieving your career goals in the safety industry.”

Here at Shirley Parsons, our Careers Consultants are experts in helping candidates find the best position for them. Our expert EHS industry knowledge enables us to fill EHS positions from entry to executive level and help candidates fulfil their personal and professional ambitions.

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