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Technology and the future of EHS
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How Technology is Shaping The Future of EHS

  • Publish Date: Posted 7 months ago

iAs technology continues to play an increasingly important role in helping businesses improve their HSE performance, Shirley Parsons looks at the different ways technology is being used in the industry.

Safety management

More and more EHS technologies are being used to help businesses manage safety procedures and prevent accidents. Wearable devices such as smart glasses, smart watches, and vests can track employee location, monitor vital signs, and detect hazards. An example of this is using a wearable device to alert an employee of a nearby danger or, to notify a supervisor if an employee's heart rate becomes elevated.

Artificial intelligence

Machine learning and AI algorithms can be used to analyze data and identify patterns that would be difficult or impossible for humans to detect. For example, machine learning algorithms could be used to identify potential hazards in workplaces or to predict the likelihood of accidents occurring.

Drones and robotics

Drones and robots are being also being used more frequently in Environment, Health, and Safety. Drones are being used to inspect hazardous or difficult-to-reach areas, such as rooftops, bridges, and power lines. They are also being used to monitor air quality, noise levels and other environmental factors.

Robots are being used to perform tasks that are dangerous or repetitive, such as welding, painting, and handling hazardous materials, to reduce the risk of accidents and injuries to workers. Also, they are being developed to assist with a variety of healthcare tasks, such as surgery, rehabilitation, and patient care.

Internet of Things (IoT) sensors

The Internet of Things (IoT) is a network of physical objects that are embedded with sensors, software, and other technologies for the purpose of connecting and exchanging data with other devices and systems over the internet. IoT sensors can be used to collect data about a wide range of things, including temperature, humidity, air quality, noise levels, and motion. This data can then be analyzed to identify potential problems and improve safety and efficiency.

Cloud computing

Cloud computing platforms can be used to store and manage EHS data, making it accessible to employees and stakeholders from anywhere in the world. Cloud computing can also be used to deliver EHS applications and services such as training courses and risk assessment tools.

Benefits of using technology in EHS

Technology is rapidly evolving and is quickly becoming a powerful tool that can be used to improve HSE performance across all sectors.

It is being used enhance compliance with regulation tracking and reporting on key performance indicators; improving the efficiency of EHS processes by automating tasks and providing real-time data access; and helping organizations reduce expenditure costs.

As technology continues to develop, it is expected to be even more innovative and effective to improve EHS management.

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